CONCORSO RIBA: The Wall. A Million Bricks - fase 2

Anno: 2019

♦ Progetto finalista

Un'architettura sull'acqua, tra astrazione e sacralità / An architecture on water, between abstraction and sacredness

The Wall è appoggiato sopra uno specchio d’acqua, uno spazio sacro inviolabile. L’architettura riflette l’idea di astrazione, come in una dimensione senza tempo / The Wall lays over  water, an inviolable sacred space. The architecture also mirrors an idea of abstraction, without a time dimension.

Il peso della speranza / The weight of hope

L’idea principale dietro al progetto è che the Wall è allo stesso tempo leggero e pesante. Una preghiera può essere considerata pesante perchè è carica di tutte le aspettative che gravano sulle spalle umane. Le persone elevano le proprie preghiere a Dio e queste rimangono sospese in aria come in un’atmosfera metafisica / The main idea behind the project is that the Wall is at the same time heavy and lightweight. A pray can be considered heavy because it is full of all the expectations that weight over human shoulders. People direct the prays to God and they stay suspended on air like in a metaphysical atmosphere.

Un simbolo della fede, fragile e immateriale / A symbol of faith, delicate and immaterial

Anche se the Wall è costruito con un materiale resistente, che simboleggia la fede, non ha fondamenta e presenta dei fori sulla sua superficie. Galleggia sopra le persone, una sorta di entità sospesa tra noi e Dio / Even if the Wall is made of a hard material, which symbolizes the faith, it has no foundations and it has holes on its surface. It is floating above the people, a sort of abstract entity between us and God.

Un tempio universale per la pace e l'unione tra i popoli / A universal temple for peace and unity among people

L’intera architettura è intesa per essere aperta a tutte le religioni del mondo. Ha un design neutrale, dove i riferimenti Cristiani non sono invasivi, ed è caratterizzata dalla presenza di influenze provenienti dall’architettura religiosa Buddista e Islamica. La pianta è disegnata per simboleggiare un grande abbraccio a tutte le persone del mondo / The whole architecture is intended to be open to all the religions of the world. It has a neutral design where the Christian references are not invasive with some influences from the buddhist and islamic temples. The plan is designed to symbolize a big hug to all the people in the world.



Progetto in collaborazione con / Project in collaboration with:
Paesaggio: DSB-Lab / Landscape: DSB-Lab
Srutture: Sce Projects Structures: Sce Projects 

Analisi dei costi: GAD Cost analysis: GAD

In 2016, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) launches an international open design competition for ‘The Wall’ – a structure made of a million bricks to represent answered prayer. The competition was being managed on behalf of the charity Network, The Evangelical Council for the Manchester Area Trust. Up to five concept designs were shortlisted to participate in the second phase.

Risultato del concorso

All four schemes and presentations were of an extremely high standard – a tribute to the overall quality and commitment demonstrated by the shortlisted teams. […] The panel felt that this concept had been well developed and the site had been successfully articulated. It was felt to be a very elegant design and the water around the building was enjoyed by the panel. […] Ultimately it was felt that other schemes had better met the requirements for this project but had been very impressed by this team and their obvious hard work and commitment.


Panel Members Affiliation

Renato Benedetti Chair of the Panel, RIBA Adviser, Benedetti Architects

David Tomlinson Director, The Wall Developments

Richard Gamble Chief Executive, The Wall

Bob Blencowe Planning, The Wall

Marc Chapman Director, Gleeds

Advisers & Observers Affiliation

Sarah Jefferson Design Advisor, Ibstock Brick

Martin Edwards Director, Kirk Saunders

Jeremy Paley Associate Director, Kirk Saunders

Clare Payne The Wall

Joanne Wallis RIBA Competitions

Denise O’Toole RIBA Competitions

Il percorso del visitatore dall’ingresso all’area interna più sacra è un viaggio sempre più profondo dentro fede

The visitor path, from the access gate to the most inner sacred space is a deeper journey into the faith

Scopri di più sulla nostra filosofia per la progettazione giardini a Padova, Venezia e Treviso